Jack Kilmon
Jesus is born.
date of Jesus' birth cannot be placed with certainty. One must do
a little historical detective work to sort out the biblical
references. This is assisted by Luke who mentions certain
personages whose history is known. First among these is Herod the
Great, King of Judea. Luke 1:5 places the announcement of the
birth of John the Baptist "
in the days of Herod, King
of Judea." The best historical evidence places the death of
Herod shortly after an eclipse occurring on the night of Sunday,
March 12/13, 4 BCE. and the Passover of Wednesday, April 11, 4
BCE. This corresponds to the year 750 A.U. of the Roman Calendar.
Jesus was therefore born prior to 4 BCE.
The second person mentioned by Luke for this detective story is
one "Cyrenius" who was Publius Sulpicius Quirinius,
Roman soldier, senator and consul under Augustus. In 6 CE
Quirinius was sent to Syria as legate along with Coponius who
would be the first prefect of Judea and a predecessor of Pontius
Pilatus. The registration and census of 6 CE is too late to be
connected with the birth of Jesus. Additionally, the registration
of 6 CE did not include the Galilee. This has long been a
stumbling block in the determination of the date of Jesus' birth
and many scholars merely assumed that Luke had made a mistake. In
1912,however, the discovery by W. M. Ramsey of a fragmentary
inscription at Antioch of Pisidia arguably established Quirinius
was in Syria on a previous occasion. (1) His role was more
military to lead a campaign against the Homanadenses, a tribe in
the Taurus Mountains. This is confirmed by Tacitus. This means
that Quirinius would have established a seat of government in
Syria, including Palestine, from the years 10 to 7 BCE. In this
position he would have been responsible for the census mentioned
by Luke. This census of 7 BCE would therefore have been the
"first" census taken when Cyrenius was governor (Luke
2:2) and the historically documented census of 6/7 CE was really
the second. There is further evidence of this first census of 7
BCE in the writings of Tertullian who records the census
"taken in Judea by Sentius Saturninus." (2) C. Sentius
Saturninus was Legate of Syria from 9 to 6 BCE. Another
inscription, the Lapis Tiburtinus, was found in 1764 near Tivoli
(Tibur). Composed after 14 CE, the inscription names an unknown
personage who was legate of Syria twice. The man is described as
having been victorious in war. There is considerable dissension
among scholars as to whether the unnamed person is Quirinius. I
think it is more likely that it refers to the famous consul and
Scholars have debated about the historicity of this first census
since there is no record of it in the Roman archives. Their chief
argument is that Augustus would not have imposed a census for the
purpose of taxation in the kingdom of a client king like Herod.
Herod had his own tax collectors and paid tribute to Rome from
the proceeds. They further pose that the census in 6 CE was
imposed because Herod's nutty son Archelaus had been deposed and
Judea was placed under direct Roman rule. These are good
As a layman, I am forced to go back to Luke and ask why he would
record an event that never took place. Luke was well educated
with diversified talents. He seems careful in his historicity
and, although very young at the time, may very well have met
Jesus. He knew and interviewed those who were closest to Jesus.
Some scholars think that the story of the first census and the
birth in Bethlehem is theologoumenon.
This is a term scholars use for that which expresses an event or
notion in language what may not be factual but supports,
enhances, or is related to a matter of faith. In other words, a
"white lie." I don't buy it in this case. There is no
advantage to matters of faith in the invention of a census of 6
Some scholars argue that the early census was invented to support
a mythological birth in Bethlehem in support of Messianic
prophecy. We'll cover the Bethlehem issue below. As for the early
census, I am inclined to believe Luke and Tertullian (even though
Tertullian isn't one of my favorite characters). I can think of a
number of reasons based on the history of the time. Lack of
records is not evidence for or against an historical event.
Records are lost and destroyed, particularly those that are two
millennia old. Rome burned in 64 CE and there have been numerous
conflagrations and sackings of the city over the centuries. Could
Augustus had deviated from convention and imposed a census in
Syria/Palestine in 6 B.C.E? Of course he could. He was the
Emperor. Herod the Great was ill and, by all accounts of the
time, nuttier than a fruitcake. He who had once been an able and
effective administrator and builder, was now paranoid and
vicious. He had murdered most of his family, including his sons
and the wife he loved most. The joke in the Roman court by Caesar
himself was that one was safer being Herod's pig than Herod's
son. Josephus records in Antiquities of the
Jews, XVI, ix 3 that Augustus was furious
with Herod in 8 BCE and threatened to treat him no longer as a
friend (Client), but as a subject (subject to taxes).
I believe that the prudent and prudish Augustus, scandalized by
Herod's outrageous reputation and increasing madness, began the
movement toward making Judea a prefecture in 8 BCE and part of
that preparation was a registration. Caesar could have delayed
actual imposition of direct rule in deference to Herod's ill
health and the hope that his successor would not be as loony
toony. When Herod died and Archelaus turned out to be crazier
than his father, Augustus threw in the towel (or Toga) and made
Palestine a prefecture. He sent Quirinius as Legatus (a second
time) and Coponius as the first prefect. The census of 6 CE
therefore becomes the first census under direct Roman rule and
fell in schedule with the Roman census on a 14 year rotation. The
census of Jesus' birth, perhaps only a registration, became lost
in the archives. In this scenario, it would make sense to send
Quirinius back as Legatus since he presided under the previous
registration. Quirinius was no minor functionary. He was a Roman
senator of the Equestrian order and had been consul since 12 BCE.
He had won an insignia of triumph for the Homanadensian war and
had accompanied Caesar to Armenia in 3 CE. He died in 21 CE.(3)
Service in Palestine was not considered "prime duty" by
Roman functionaries but the governorship of Syria was one of the
most important positions in the Empire. The post was always given
to the most respected and capable of Imperial functionaries
chosen from the elite of Roman aristocracy. The Syrian Legatus
was the commander-in chief of the entire Roman East and
responsible for the Parthian border. I believe this Roman
soldier, senator and administrator, who had already served Caesar
well, returned to Syria as a personal favor for his
emperor/friend. I must, therefore, be an audacious layman and
disagree with the majority of New Testament scholars. I conclude
that Luke is accurate.
Augustus Caesar..this
youthful portrait in molded glass was issued On the occasion of
his election as princeps (first citizen) in 27 BCE. He was about
56 years of age at the birth of Jesus.
Jesus' birth in the year 7 BCE would conform with the statements
of Luke but what was the day of his birth?
Scholars are nearly unanimous
that Jesus' birth did not occur on December 25 and on this I do
agree. December 25 was the Roman festival day of Natalis
Invictus, the birth of the Sun. The emperor Constantine, contrary
to tradition, was not a Christian but an advocate of the cult of
Sol Invictus. More for political expediency than for religious
reasons, Constantine tolerated Jesus as an earthly manifestation
of Sol Invictus, the son god. Since Christian doctrine was being
promulgated by Rome, compromises were being made between
Christianity, Sol Invictus and Mithraism. Constantine saw this as
a way of maintaining harmony. An edict by Constantine in 321 CE
ordered the courts to be closed on the "venerable day of the
sun" and Sunday was chosen as the day of observance rather
than the traditional Saturday Sabbath. If not on Christmas day,
therefore, on what day was Jesus born?
The "Star of
Bethlehem," Fact or Fiction?
Many biblical scholars have long contended the story of the
"Star of Bethlehem" to be a myth, another of those
theologoumenons (there's that word again). Astrology played an
important role in the ancient Middle East, including the Jews. It
would not be uncommon to correlate some celestial event with the
birth of Jesus, just as the eclipse had been correlated to the
death of Herod and a comet with the assassination of Julius
Caesar in 44 BCE. No comets or Novae, "new stars," can
be associated by astronomers with the period of Jesus' birth.
Hence the source of the Star of Bethlehem remained a mystery or
was considered myth.
In Prague, in 1603, shortly before Christmas, the astronomer and
mathematician, Johannes Kepler, was making observations of the
stars through his rudimentary telescope. He was observing the
conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces.
The two planets had converged to look like one larger and new
"star." Kepler later remembered something he had read
by the Rabbinical writer, Abravanel (1437-1508). Jewish
astrologers maintained that when there was a conjunction of
Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces, the Messiah would come. In ancient
Jewish astrology, the constellation of Pisces was known as the
House of Israel, the sign of the Messiah. Jupiter was the royal
star of the house of David and Saturn was the protecting star of
Israel, the Messiah's Star
Since the constellation of Pisces was the point in the heavens
where the sun ended it's old course and began its new, it is
understandable why this conjunction would be viewed as a portent
of the Messiah.
Kepler concluded that he had found the "star of
Bethlehem" but his hypothesis was rejected. It was not until
1925 that the hypothesis was re-examined when references to this
conjunction were found in the cuneiform inscriptions of the
astrological archives of the ancient School of Astrology at
Sippar in Babylonia. Sippar was an ancient Sumerian city lying on
a canal which linked the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It was a
very important commercial and religious center. Excavations at
the site of Abu-Habbah during the latter part of the 19th century
unearthed the remains of a temple and ziggurat dedicated to
Shamash and the ancient scribal School of Astrology. The most
important discovery were tens of thousands of clay tablets from
the school archives that dated from the Old Babylonian and
Neo-Babylonian periods. In 1925, the German Scholar P. Schnabel
found, among the endless cuneiform records of dates and
observations, a note on a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in
the constellation of Pisces. The position of Jupiter and Saturn,
converged in Pisces, had been recorded over a period of five
months in 7 B.C.E!! Calculations show that the conjunction was
observable three times over the course of the year, May 29,
October 3, and December 4.
The conjunction in Pisces is observable in the southern sky over
Judea and would sit directly over Bethlehem if one were observing
along the road leading from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. Matthew 2:2
stating "We have seen his star in the east" is a
mistranslation of the Greek phrase EN TH ANATOLH "in the
east" from the original wording which means idiomatically,
"the first light of dawn" (which
comes from the east) when the conjunction is
visible. The correlation of this celestial event with the first
visit of Quirinius and a preliminary registration in Syria is too
much of a coincidence for this layman to ignore. I must therefore
humbly and respectfully disagree with the majority of New
Testament scholars who again contend that the story of the Star
of Bethlehem is another of those little "white lies." I
conclude again, therefore, that the Gospel account is accurate.
Accepting the Star of Bethlehem as an historical fact, our
detective work gives us three possible dates for the birth of
Jesus, May 29, October 3, and December 4 in the year 7 BCE. I
would rule out May 29 as too early. Scholars also contend that
the Gospel account of the three "Wise Men" is another
of those theologoumenon white lies. If one were to accept the
story of the three magi
(astrologers), or at least three visitors who came to Judea based
on the astrological omen, as containing an element of fact, May
29 is too early. Why would "wise men," astrologers/magi
in Babylon care about a celestial event predicting the Jewish
Messiah? Christians are normally unaware that Babylon was as
important a center for Judaism as Jerusalem in the ancient world.
It is the center for the predominating Babylonian Talmud. It is
very likely that the "wise men" were scholars of the
School of Astrology in Sippar and likely of Jewish ancestry
dating to the mass deportations of Jews to Babylon in the 7th
century BCE. Steeped in their Jewish messianic hopes and in
astrology, these men would have been convinced that the birth of
the Messiah was imminent. Given their background, an expedition
to the Homeland would seem the most likely course of action for
validation of both their scholarly, astrological and religious
prognostication. These astrologers would have observed the first
conjunction on May 29 and then made preparations to travel to
Judea, arriving for the time of a predicted second conjunction.
October 3 intrigues me because it is within days of the time of
other recorded Roman censuses. Including the one in 6 CE.
December 4 would be too late for Shepherds to be tending their
flocks. These were usually brought in around the first of
November. I must therefore again, with all respect to the New
Testament scholars, disagree that the Gospel story of the Wise
Men from the East is fiction. In this historical detective story,
correlating the Gospel accounts of the registration with the
celestial phenomenon, I choose Saturday, 10 Tishri, 3755
(October 3, 7 BCE.) as the date of the birth of Jesus. Interestingly, that day was a Yom Kippur, the
Day of Atonement.
Where was Jesus Born?
The Infancy Narratives of Matthew and Luke often conflict. In the
second chapters of both gospels, each author supports Bethlehem
as the place of Jesus' birth. The overwhelming opinion of New
Testament scholars again is that this is another theologoumenon
(that's such a pretty word). These scholars claim that Jesus was
born in Nazareth and that the Bethlehem story was invented to
conform to Messianic expectations found in Micah 5:1:
"But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among
the thousands of Judah, yet out of ye shall he come forth unto me
that is to be ruler in Israel; and his goings forth are from
ancient time, from days of old."
Old rabbinical expectations of the Messiah arising from Bethlehem
may also be reflected in the Midrash Rabbah
and in Berakoth 5a of
the Jerusalem Talmud. These writings, however, are much later
than the time of Jesus and may not necessarily reflect Jewish
expectations of the first century. In other words, it may not
have been that big of a deal at the time of Jesus nor in the
century following the crucifixion that the Messiah had to be born
in Bethlehem. Jewish polemic against Jesus in the latter half of
the first century featured attacks on his legitimacy but did
not deny his birth in the City of David. If
he had not been born in Bethlehem, I doubt if the rabbinic
polemicists would have let it lie. This layman must therefore
again disagree with many scholars and conclude that the Gospel
account is accurate. It is this layman's conclusion that:
YeSHUa bar YoSEF (Jesus) was born on Yom Kippur, October 3, 7 BCE
in the village of Bethlehem during a registration instituted by
Augustus on an occasion when he was enraged at Herod's behavior.
This registration was overseen by Publius Sulpicius Quirinius and
was a preliminary to a direct Roman taxation. The taxation from
this registration in 7/6 BCE was delayed as a result of Herod's
age and health. The even more outrageous behavior of Herod's
successor, Archelaus, who was deposed, and infighting among the
other Herodian scions, convinced Augustus to institute a
praefecture and the first official Roman census and taxation in 6
CE and to liquidate the estate of the deposed Archelaus.(4) It is
this official first
census in Syria that confuses scholars regarding the birth of
Jesus since Quirinius again was sent by Caesar as legate under
the new prefecture. Coponius accompanied Quirinius and was the
first prefect.
A Rebellion in Galilee during
Jesus' youth
The institution of Judea as a prefecture and the enactment of
this second registration
in preparation for the first
direct Roman taxation stimulated a revolt in the Galilee by one Judas
of Gamala who would be the founder of the
Zealot party. The Pharisaic party was divided and consisted of
two "houses." The House of Hillel followed the milder
and more liberal teachings of that great rabbinic sage (30 BCE
-10 CE) and the House of Shammai, the harsher and more
conservative opponent of Hillel. Jews in Galilee, angered by
Roman oppression and this new taxation, rallied under the banner
of Judas and Tsadok, a
deputy of the House of Shammai. They attacked the two Roman
legions sent from Syria to suppress the rebellion and were
soundly defeated. As a result, two thousand zealots, including,
Judas, were crucified and about 6,000 young Galileans were
deported to slavery in the western empire.(5)
Almost certainly this event had a considerable influence on the
young Jesus. It would have occurred at approximately the same
time that the Gospels record the 12 year old Jesus taking his
vows at the Temple. Friends of the family, as well as relatives,
may have been sent to slavery in the west. Most seem to have been
sent to Spain and Sardinia. Are these deported and enslaved
relatives and friends of Jesus' on his mind as "the lost
sheep of the house of Israel" (Mt. 10:6) and when John
(10:16) records him saying , "..and other sheep I have,
which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they
shall hear my voice?" One of the traditions of Apostolic
journeys is Jesus' own cousin, James, the "greater,"
the older of the sons of Zebedee, going to Spain and Sardinia.
Returning to Jerusalem for the Passover of 44 CE, James was
executed by Herod Agrippa. It is not inconceivable that Rome had
put James on Agrippa's "hit list" as a result of his
stirring "dissension" among the Jewish slaves. Tied
with the taxation and the resulting rebellion, the year 6 must be
considered an important influence on Jesus, promulgating his
later invectives against some of the Pharisees (the House of
Shammai) and certainly against the Sadducees who were Roman
collaborators and led by the Roman appointed High Priest.
Jesus' Childhood
The only mention of Jesus' childhood in the Gospels is the 12
year old Jesus at the temple (Luke 2:41-51). To those familiar
with the Jewish customs and practices of the time, Y'shua had
reached the age of making vows
(6)and the age of discrimination.(7)
We know nothing about the rest of the childhood of Jesus. Known
aspects of the cultural, social, family, and religious habits of
first century Judea and Galilee allow us to make educated guesses
about the upbringing and development of the young Jesus. We can
be certain that he struggled with the same physical, sexual,
intellectual and spiritual matters that are normal to the
maturation of all young males throughout human history. In this
all too familiar journey from child to adult, he would have
developed a sense of his identity, a definition of self. Whether
that early sense of self would include a concept of his own
ultimate purpose and destiny, we cannot know. All we can do is
look at those internal family elements typical for a Galilean
family of the time and the external environment of the Galilee of
Jesus. We know that he was of noble Semitic lineage and he was
raised in a family business of Tektons. He had four younger
brothers and at least two younger sisters, an issue we'll cover
Jesus' trade
Matthew 13:55 describes Jesus as "The carpenter's son,"
O TOU TEKTONOS UIOS, tekton being rendered as
"carpenter" in translation. The Aramaic would have be berah
d'nagora. More accurately, it is an
artificer who could work in wood, fabric, masonry, sort of a
general contractor or builder. Certainly carpentry would have
been the most common undertaking. As the oldest son, Jesus would
have been important to the family business and each of the sons
may have had a specialty. The Galilee and the Decapolis (Ten City
region) was an area of intense building projects and probably
supplied more than enough work for the family. Tradition has it
that Jesus was famous in this farming region for his yokes and to
own one was a point of pride. There is no actual reference to
Jesus himself as a carpenter and the earliest papyri refer to him
as the Carpenter's son.
Some scholars suggest that Jesus was not a carpenter himself but
was, in fact, a magician, having learned magic in Egypt. This is
an ancient argument going back to early polemic against
Christians and is mentioned by the second century Christian
apologist, Justin Martyr(8) and the second century Platonist,
Celsus. Celsus work, an attack on Christianity has not survived
but was answered around 247 CE by the Christian apologist,
Origen.(9) The opinion that Jesus was not a carpenter, but a
magician, is expressed in an impressive modern study by Morton
Smith.(10) The viewpoint that the author of Matthew invented the
story of the sojourn into Egypt to provide an argument against
the polemic against Jesus as an Egypt-educated Magician (another
of those "white lies") is another scholarly opinion
that this layman cannot accept. In first century Galilee, the
oldest son would almost certainly follow the trade of his
father.(11) I believe that the young Jesus worked at his father's
side and with his brothers in the family contracting business
until he launched his ministry. That Jesus waited until the year
26 or 27 to begin his mission suggests to me that Joseph had died
and it was no longer a demonstration of disrespect to leave the
family trade. Giving all due respect to the learned scholars,
this layman must again conclude that the Gospel account is
Jesus' Language
We cannot tackle the more difficult issue of what Jesus' exact
words were without a better understanding of the language in
which it was rendered. The Gospels and books of the New Testament
were set down in Greek between 20 and 80 years after
they were spoken. Greek was the vernacular of the West and the
language of commerce. The vernacular of the East, and Jesus'
language, was Aramaic.
The Hebrew language in first century Palestine was used for
scriptural and scholarly writings. The weekly synagogue readings
(the Sidra, Parashah,
and Haphtarah) were
always accompanied with an Aramaic translation. These oral
translations of the Hebrew lections to Aramaic would eventually
be written down in the Targumim.
The Gemara of the Jerusalem
Talmud and the Babylonian
Talmud were written in Eastern (Babylonian)
Why did the Jewish people speak Aramaic and not Hebrew? Aramaic
was the language of commerce of the Persian Empire and was used
widely from the Indus Valley to Egypt. It became the language of
the Jewish people by conquest first when the Israelites were
deported by Tiglath-Pileser III in 732 BCE in the first Assyrian
invasion. The northern tribes were deported in 721 B.C.E. when
Sargon II made Israel an Assyrian province and finally the
Judeans were deported in 587 B.C.E. by Nebuchadnezzar. There is,
in a sense, some irony to this since these Mesopotamian
conquerors came from the land that gave birth to Abraham. Aramaic
was the language of the ancestor of the Jewish people. What is
known as the Hebrew Language
in the New Testament was called the Lip of
Canaan in the Old Testament. Abraham and the
Patriarchs adopted the language and script of the Phoenicians.
The aftermath of the Babylonian Captivity resulted in a
readopting of the Aramaic ancestral language of Abraham. The
"Hebrew" script used today is actually the Aramaic
Square Script, which replaced the Phoenician script known as
"Old Hebrew" about 200 B.C.E. Old Hebrew is exemplified
by the Moabite stone inscription, the Lachish letters, and the
Siloam inscription. Most Christians are surprised to learn that
until the adoption of Hebrew as the official language of the
State of Israel in 1948, it had not been the vernacular of the
Jewish people for over 2500 years.
Jesus' name in his own Aramaic language was Y'shua
bar Yosef (Ye-SHOO-ah bar Yo-SEF). He spoke
Aramaic when he preached or had conversations with his family,
friends, and disciples. He would have used Hebrew in
conversations with religious leaders and is recorded in the
Gospels reading the Hebrew scriptures of Isaiah in the synagogue
at Nazareth (Lk. 4:16-19). As a tradesman, working with his
father and brothers on various building projects, he would have
had to have some knowledge of Greek, the language of commerce. It
is debated by scholars whether or not he was fluent in Greek or
used it for any purpose outside of trade. It is this author's
belief that he was well-educated, functioned well in Hellenistic
surroundings, and probably was fluent but may have considered it
the "gentile tongue" and eschewed it for common usage.
What type of Aramaic did Jesus speak? Aramaic ceased to be a
uniform language during the anti-Semitic period of the
Hellenistic Seleucids prior to the Maccabean revolt. During this
period various dialects began to form on a regional basis, each
with variations in pronunciation and vocabulary. These influences
caused Aramaic to divide into a Western
Branch with several dialects and an Eastern
Branch with its dialects. The five periods
of Aramaic, dating from 1000 B.C.E., are as follows:
Old Aramaic 1000 BCE to 700 BCE. Imperial (Official) Aramaic 700 BCE to 200 BCE. Middle Aramaic 200 BCE to 200 CE. Late Aramaic 200 CE to 700 CE. Modern Aramaic 700 CE to present
Jesus spoke the Galilean dialect of Middle Western Aramaic. The
Galilean dialect was recognizable by Judeans much as a deep south
dialect of English is recognized in the United States. Likewise,
the Galilean dialect was considered provincial by the Judeans.
Galileans had a tendency to drop the gutturals much like the
Cockney "Enry" for Henry. An initial aleph was usually
dropped, which explains why Jesus' good friend Alazar
was called `Lazar by
Jesus and eventually Latinized in the Vulgate to Lazarus.
It is also why Simon Peter was recognized as a Galilean outside
of the house of Caiaphas.
After a little while the men standing there came to Peter.
"Of course you are one of them," they said. "After
all, the way you speak gives you away!" Matthew 16:73
An Aramaic letter from Simon
bar Kochba to Yehonathan bar Be'aya, written during the Jewish
revolt 132-135 CE.