Links to biblical, papyrological, ancient manuscripts, linquistic sites
These are links that I have found to be exceptional sites authored by exceptional scholars. Where possible, I have chosen them for their content and avoided those that proselytize a specific religious paradigm.
Ancient Manuscripts, Papyri
Timothy Seid's Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts
K. C. Hanson's Homepage, Excellent
Download Ancient Greek New Testament Manuscripts
Weiland Willker's PAPYRUS EGERTON homepage.
Manuscripts, Palaeography and Codicology
Oxyrhynchus Papyri Home Page, still under construction
Digital Images of Medieval
Manuscripts, great resource!
Inscriptions from the Land of Israel
George Athas' Tel Dan Inscription Website
Textual Criticism
Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism
Robert Waltz's Encyclopedia of Textual Criticism
An online virtual Beit Midrash
The Taylor-Schechter Genizeh (Cairo) Research Unit Home Page (Cambridge)
Dead Sea Scrolls
Great Isaiah Scroll, A terrific resource
M. A. Hoselton's Dead Sea Scroll Site, includes Index of Caves and texts
of the best I have seen. Search tools, lexicon, interlinear.
Biblical Studies Resource Page, many links.
Jim West's Biblical Resource Page. New site. Watch it grow.
Multimedia Bible commentary online - serious
Bible study with 100s of sound & picture files...
Linguistics, Fonts
The Yamada Language Center. Very useful downloadable fonts.
Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of Classical Greek
Type Resource. If you are a fontomaniac, this is it!
Synoptic Studies Sites
The Two Notebook Hypothesis site, by Brian Wilson
A Synoptic Gospels Primer, by Mahlon Smith
Synoptic Problem, excellent site from Stephen Carlson
Goodacre's World without site
Longstaff's Two Gospel Hypothesis Site
Michael Spencer's Gospel of Mark Site. Great!
The Historical Jesus
The Jesus Seminar Forum, by Mahlon Smith
Andrew's Quest of the Historical Jesus
Historical Jesus, by Bernard D. Muller. You MUST visit this site!
The 4th Gospel
Non-Canonical, apocrypha, pseudepigrapha
The Non-Canonical Page, excellent text resource
Davies' remarkable Gospel
of Thomas homepage
A 38
volume collection of early Church writings
Guide to Early Church Documents
The Gnostic
Society Virtual Library
Ancient Historians
works of Josephus, online and downloadable
Archaeology and the Bible
Okeanos Biblical, Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Resource site.
Dr. James Tabor's
Site. Awesome!
Religion and History
Ian Hutchesson's Religion and History page
Vaticani (Vatican Museum)
Late antiquity, Medieval history
Paul Halsall's Byzantine
Studies on the Internet. Great Resource!