Jack's Favorite Discussion Lists

Online e-mail discussion "lists" are one of the most valuable resources for both scholars and laypeople alike. What do I look for in a list? I look for lists that are academic in nature and do not allow proselytizing of any form. The lists below are moderated by outstanding scholars in their fields. Their subscribers are, in the whole, very knowledgeable..most are well known scholars and authors in their disciplines. On the other hand, these are lists that also encourage the participation of "amateurs" and laypeople. I have a big problem with discussion lists that are for "scholars only." Scholars who only discourse with other scholars do not teach. Scholars who do not teach are like chefs who do not cook.


Nazarene Judaism Listserver - To subscribe send email to
majordomo@nazarene.net with "subscribe nazarene" on the first line.

Lost Tribes Listserver - To subscribe send email to
majordomo@nazarene.net with "subscribe losttribes" on the first line.

Book of Enoch Listserver - To subscribe send email to
majordomo@nazarene.net with "subscribe enoch" on the first line.

Semitic Origin of NT Listserver - To subscribe send email to
majordomo@nazarene.net with "subscribe textcrit" on the first line.

B-Aramaic Listserver - To subscribe send email to majordomo@nazarene.net with "subscribe b-aramaic" on the first line.

B-Hebrew Listserver - To subscribe send email to majordomo@virginia.edu with "subscribe b-hebrew" on the first line.

B-Greek Listserver - To subscribe send email to majordomo@virginia.edu with "subscribe b-greek" on the first line.

Orion List by the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls. - To subscribe send e-mail to majordomo@panda.mscc.huji.ac.il with "subscribe orion [address]" (no subject) in the first line.

ANE (Ancient Near East) list, subscribe at http://wsrv.clas.virginia.edu/~dew7e/anthronet/subscribe/ane.html

Synoptic-L is a new, international E-list for the discussion of the Synoptic Problem. In order to subscribe, send an Email to majordomo@bham.ac.uk with the message "Subscribe Synoptic-L" in the first line.

Crosstalk is an E-list for academic discussion on historical Jesus research. In order to subscribe, send the message "Subscribe Crosstalk" to lists@info.harpercollins.com.

TC (Textual Criticism) list. To subscribe send email to majordomo@shemesh.scholar.emory.edu,with "subscribe tc-list [address] in first line.